
Detailed info on PS3 Models and regioning, based on their SKU (stock-keeping unit) string/number Retail Models. Please fill up your Information based on SKU Models series. PS3 Fat (Alpha series) FCC ID: AK8CBEH1000 (CECHA01) AK8CBEH100Z (CECHB01).

Remember when Sony said your PlayStation 3 would be a 'computer,' not just a game console? Remember when Sony backed up that claim by letting anyone(including the US Air Force) install Linux on the thing? Remember when Sony broke its promises by unceremoniously deleting that 'OtherOS' feature with a firmware update?
If so, you may have just earned up to $65 -- and you've got exactly one month to claim your money.
Nearly eight years after Sony removing the option to install Linux on the PS3, allegedly for security reasons, a US court all but approved a settlement in a class-action lawsuit this past December.
Sony has agreed to pay $3.75 million to settle the suit. The lawyers get a third of that, the five plaintiffs will see up to $3,500 each, and the settlement organizers will get an estimated $300,000 to $400,000 too -- but that's still easily a couple million bucks left over to pay back PS3 owners like you.
Where do you begin? If you purchased an original 'Fat' PS3 between November 1, 2006, and April 1, 2010 at an 'authorized retailer' in the US -- so not Craiglist, where I bought mine -- you're eligible to receive up to $65 for each original PS3 you bought. You can submit multiple claims if you bought more than one.

Playstation 3 Fat, is the first of three known model Playstation 3 Fat (2007)Playstation 3 Slim (2010)Playstation 3 Ultra Slim (2012) The new generations of PS3 are slightly more powerful and more compact than the original one, but it should be noted. Your Fat PS3 serial number, PlayStation Network Sign-In ID and/or your PlayStation Network Online ID; and A statement that you want to be excluded from the Class. You must personally sign your request for. Thank you for printing this page from www.SuperCheats.com. Remember to come back to check for updates to this how to and much more content for PlayStation 3. PS3 Model and Serial Number Location Published by SuperCheats Staff on Sep 16th 2013. Functionality in the Fat PS3. Class Members will be eligible to receive a cash payment up to $65 per valid. PS3 serial number, PlayStation Network Sign-In ID and/or PlayStation Network Online ID, along with a statement that you wish to be excluded to the Settlement Administrator at the address below. If you exclude yourself, you will not receive. Tried to play online multiplayer against someone new. But after i logged in it said Serial Number Invalid. Is this referring to my CD key? I recieved a PS3 off my wife for christmas, it was a new 40gig UK model and the box was still sealed, I want to register my console but the serial number on top of the box has been scratched off, and the serial number sticker above the hdmi port on the back has been pulled off and there were no instructions of any sort inside the box, im a bit.

Link to file your claim:
The deadline to file is April 15; you will need to provide either your fat PS3 serial number, the email address used to sign up, or your PSN ID.
Edit - as noted in other posts, the payout is prorata based on the number of approved claims, so it is unlikely people will get the full $65

Early adopters who bought a PlayStation 3 when it first came out, only to be dismayed by the lack of support for an actual computer operating system, have had their day in court at last. The final settlement may not be a million bucks, but it’s probably enough to buy a new PlayStation 4 game.

Back when PlayStation 3 debuted, Sony marketed it as a “computer” that would run Linux as well as play games. The Air Force even bought 1,700 of them to make their own supercomputer. The Linux thing never really panned out, so Sony quietly dumped the computer OS feature with a firmware update in 2010.

A class-action lawsuit ensued, and the case has dragged on for years. In 2016, Digital Trends reported on an agreement that would pay most purchasers $9, with some people receiving payments as high as $55.

A judge rejected that agreement, saying the settlement didn’t compensate PlayStation owners enough. More legal wrangling ensued, and now a final agreement has been reached that could get you as much as $65 if you purchased an original PlayStation 3.

CNET has a detailed summary of the settlement, where Sony has agreed to pay $3.75 million to settle the lawsuit. If you bought a “fat” PS3 between November 1, 2006 and April 1, 2010, you’re eligible for your part of the claim. The purchase had to be from an actual retailer, not some guy on eBay.

Serial Number Of The Fat Ps3

You need to submit your application by April 15, 2018. You can fill out the online claim form here. If you previously submitted a claim, you’ll be automatically included in this one as well.

You’ll need at least one of the follwing: the serial number from your PS3, or your PlayStation Network Online ID (your handle), or PlayStation Network Sign-In ID (email address). The latter two must be from accounts associated with your fat PS3. You also have to complete an affidavit swearing that you knew about the Linux feature, and that your PS3 lost value when support was discontinued. You may need to include the retailer where you purchased the console as well.

Fat Ps3 Serial Number List

The settlement only promises up to $65, as it depends on how many people submit the correct paperwork. Sony claims to have sold 10 million original PS3s, but only a fraction of them will go through the necessary steps to claim their payout.

As with most settlements of this type, by agreeing to accept payment you’re giving up your right to sue Sony in the future over this issue or negotiate your own settlement. You can find out more at the FAQ section of the settlement page.

Fat Ps3 Serial Number Lookup

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